[ Slate sky cracks fire ]

Slate sky cracks fire, nightfall always kidnaps dusk.
The faithful lack their liars but we're all just blood and dust.
Wait awhile, find time conspires with us to constrain us.
Rank and file mind the wire with a minimum of fuss.
Rank and vile, uninspired, slaves to love and lust.
Walk the miles, overtired, to make the insane cut.
Talking smiles in empty faces, sounds that crowd my ears.
Rising bile, senses fading; I'd learn to drown my fears.
A padlocked gate, a dark mindscape; words just interfere.
A sandbox fate, a spark of hate, and a conscience, clear.
These last few days begin to stray to what the future has in store.
Iconoclast of moments past and a cynicism ill-informed.
I can't relate, associate; this prism glass reflects, distorts.
Imprisoned concepts congregate in a memory of sorts.
A way to fall and how to find the wrong in evened scores,
and how long it's been since I've belonged or fast tried to conform.
A life so small in time so long I'm always needing more,
so loaded guns and old shoelaces wait until I'm sure.


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